Traditional Size Bowling
Family Entertainment Centers
Global Entertainment specializes in Bowling and Family Entertainment Centers.

Find Our Most Frequent Questions Below

Thank you for your interest in Mini Bowling. If you have any further questions and would like more info, please feel free to contact us any time! One of our representatives will be happy to assist you.

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Mini Bowling Questions

Mini Bowling takes up just under 400 square feet (121.92 square meters). The system takes up 38′ 7.5″ (11.772 m) in length and 105″ (2.67 m) wide.

Detailed space and electrical requirements can be downloaded at:

The balls for Mini Bowling weigh approximately 2.7 lbs (1.2 kg). They have a circumference of 5″ (12.7 cm).

In our studies we have Mini Bowling will generate the most revenue when owners charge anywhere from $3 – $5 per player per game.

Each game of Mini Bowling is 5 frames long which is up to 11 throws. The average player will take 4 minutes to complete a game.

Our scoring system allows for an infinite number of player to play at a time. If your guests come in a group they can all play together!

No! One of the beauties of this Mini Bowling system is that it uses textured approach panels, eliminating the need for players to wear bowling shoes. This keeps cost down and gives you a quicker turn around time.

Our studies show that by far the best to have your guest pay for Mini Bowling is with card swipes. This will help you generate as much revenue as possible from our system.